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Ethernet Device - Interface selection "Gateway not configured properly"

  • thecolonel26 - 2021-01-24

    I downloaded the PFC200 runtime target. I am trying to configure my EtherNet/IP Scanner to connect to a 750-363 fieldbus coupler. However whenever I try to select a network interface to use I get the following error "Gateway not configured properly".

    I've tried googling it but I can't find any information on this issue.

    See attached screen shot.

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2021-01-24

    You need to have selected the PFC200 in Device > Communication Settings.

  • thecolonel26 - 2021-01-25


    All that is available right now is my Control Win x64 runtime on my laptop.

    I don't have a PFC200 yet, I do have a 750-363. I was trying to configure my project and do some tinkering before I actually buy a PFC200.

    So do I need to have Codesys Engneering connected to a PFC200 to continue the configuration?


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