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New Codesys Library Dependencies

  • martinla - 2024-02-29

    When creating a new Codesys library, I am getting 2 errors for missing libraries.
    I can see that I am using newer versions of these in the library manager ( and opposed to and stated in the errors).
    IDE Version is V3.5 SP19 Patch 6.
    The "Download missing libraries..." button in Messages list is not doing anything.

    Why is it looking for older versions of these libraries?
    Can this be fixed by using the newer versions?
    How can I download & install the older version of these libraries?

  • fraccaroli - 2024-03-21

    you probably fixed in this meanwile, but I think your problem comes from dependencies of other libraries.
    I see in the Project column of errors the "caa types extern" and "caa fb factory", that both have dependencies. Try to check there.



    Last edit: fraccaroli 2024-03-21

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