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Raspberry pi OPCUA Via communication manager

  • yehudabd

    yehudabd - 2023-02-13

    Hi i am using Raspberry pi ver And Codesys 3.5 sp18 patch 4 OPCUA server on Communications Manger, when i publish Opc items after restart application is clear
    the PLC no Starting. after i tray to download , Dialog box appear "no application"
    Please Advice

  • snhatton - 2023-05-05

    Hello, quick question: when you start the raspberry pi runtime you should see the status of the ssh commands issue to the raspberry pi. Are you seeing that codesyscontrol is already running in the message "Standard output: codesyscontrol already running"?

    • yehudabd

      yehudabd - 2023-05-05

      Hi it is happen only if the redundant model install in the application

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2023-05-06

    please check the plc logger...


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2023-05-06

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