Profinet Packets not capturing in WireShark

  • ap040 - 2020-10-10


    I am working on Profinet and able to excute all my test by using the CODESYS tool. Thanks to the CODESYS team..!!

    Since, I have installed Codesys RTL8169/8110 Family Fat Ethernet XP NIC network drovers on my PC for "Codesys Control RTE X64", I am not able to see packets in Wireshark tool. Before that I am able to see it.

    So, do I need to change some settings to see the packets related to Profinet?. Can someone share his idea?.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-10-10

    no, if you use the CODESYS NIC no Wireshark is possible at the same time.
    But if you rollback to the Windows driver on your nic is is possible again ( bit less realtime capable and more latency i guess).


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