Codesys sales and support. Is it true that Codesys wants to get more customers?

  • boldive - 2023-05-31

    Our company is doing building automation and looking for a new PLC platform. One of the candidates was Codesys. Monday morning I tried to contact Codesys USA sales/support to discuss a deal to buy 100 licenses. No operator to answer, only the option to leave a voice message. Hm... It was the first bell. Two days!!!! Two days after they called me back in reply to my message. I started to explain that the purpose of my message is to discuss a deal on the license and at the same time to test how Customer/technical service is working in North America. Guess what, he said sorry and dropped the phone.
    Looks like Codesys has too many customers and one more or less, even with the big volume, is not company interest.
    The first approach to Codesys US tells me to stay away from them.

    Am I alone or missing support is normal for lots of Codesys customers?

  • snhatton - 2023-06-01

    Dear @Boldive,

    Thank you for your response. We appreciate your feedback and understand your frustration with the phone support experience.

    We would like to inform you that we have a dedicated ticket system in place to ensure efficient and timely customer support. Our ticket system allows us to track and address customer inquiries effectively.

    To access our ticket system, please visit our website at: Our support team continuously monitors the support ticket system and users can flag the ticket as high priority to facilitate a quicker response. We encourage you to utilize this system for all your support needs, as it ensures that your requests are properly documented and addressed in a timely manner.

    We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience caused by the initial phone support experience. The response was further delayed as Monday was a holiday in the US, and the sales and support teams were unavailable. We are continuously working to enhance our customer support channels and provide the best possible service to our valued customers.

    If you have any further questions or require assistance, please feel free to contact our technical sales team at We are here to help and ensure that your experience with CODESYS is a positive one.
    Thank you for your understanding.


  • boldive - 2023-06-01

    Hello Shawn.
    Thank you for reply.
    I called Beckhoff and spoke to sales manager after 5min. After 2h I have got a conference call with Beckhoff area sales manager and application engineer.

    4 days after I left a message (because Codesys has no one to talk), I still don't see Codesys interest to sell product in volume.

    If Codesys truly believe that the best way to get new customers is to show them how to use the Ticket system, then I can only wish a good luck with your business model.

    Shawn, your response is very formal.
    "was further delayed as Monday was a holiday in the US" - what was wrong with Tuesday?
    "and provide the best possible service" - is this when Codesys representative drops the phone without even saying goodbye?

    So far, I don't think Codesys in US has a customer service. With few installations per year I wouldn't worry much about it, but when I see 100+ it is a big concern.

    Sorry if it sounds rude, but it is my personal feedback based on the real experience.


    • DreamWorks - 2023-06-02

      Dear @Boldive,

      It's a pitty that you are not the only one who was treated like that,
      I have similar experience here in China.The sales team is running in an unbelievable way,
      they looks like a statue and have nothing interest to win customer.

      Last edit: DreamWorks 2023-06-02
  • snhatton - 2023-06-09


    I'm glad you were able to find help from Beckhoff! I can't speak to your exact experience, only wanted to highlight the best way to get ahold of us at support. If, in the future, you have any issues please do not hesitate to contact us.


  • thecolonel26 - 2023-06-17

    Yeah I have had terrible luck with Codesys NA, they always seem like the just want me to go way and leave them alone. They give a lot of canned responses and make me feel like I am talking to a wall.

    Also the only "help" they will do for free is send you a link to the documentation page. Documentation pages which you have already read thoughtly, and are very vague and missing alot of context. If you want anything more than that you have to pay them by the hour.

    Even if you submit a ticket it can be a week before you get a response. If you pay for a ticket is can still be 2 or 3 days to get a response. Then they only seem to reply once per day at best.

    It took a year and a half for them to finally send my Bug Report to Germany. Yes 18ish Months of back and forth before they would send it over.


    Last edit: thecolonel26 2023-06-17
  • SiegeLion - 2023-06-18

    Hahaha, with the rigorous attitude of Germans in handling affairs (which is a satire on Germans), it is strange that efficiency can be high. Go and see China, 996's work attitude will be completed quickly for you.

  • restomod56 - 2023-06-28

    Hello Oleg,

    I just now read your message about your difficulties in getting assistance on your sofware licensing needs.

    My name is Kevin Stevenson and I am the Regional Sales Manager for WAGO Corporation here in the Houston, TX area.

    I would like to talk with you at your earliest convenience and help you get things worked out on your software licensing... if you still need assistance.

    We have some wonderful solutions for software licensing and also Building Automation applications.

    You can call me or text me at 713-289-9881.

    Sincere regards,

    Kevin M. Stevenson
    WAGO Corporation
    Houston, TX

    • cullenary767

      cullenary767 - 2023-07-03

      WAGO equipment is top notch, would recommend to a friend πŸ˜„


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