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IIoT Libraries SL - Azure IoT Hub Client build error

  • tomtoyry - 2021-11-19


    The company I am working for purchased the IIoT Libraries SL - library from the Codesys store. Installation worked well as well as getting the licenses, however whenever I try to create a project utilizing any of the IoT clients (Azure, AWS or Google Cloud) I instantly get compile errors when trying to build. I have downloaded all of the libraries instructed, and they are all up to date. I am using Codesys 3.5.16, and my compiler is also 3.5.16. All of the compile errors disappear, if I remove the Azure IoT client - library from the project. I am using version 1.0.3 of the Azure IoT Client. I have included a screen capture of the errors.


    Last edit: tomtoyry 2021-11-19
  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2021-11-19

    I remember a compatibility bug with the syssocket2 library, think it was fixed by syssocket2


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