PLC Memory consumption?

  • FPawlak - 2018-09-26

    Hi guys,
    is it possible to check memory consumption on PLC?

    I would like to know for example how much free dynamic memory I have.

    Thanks for your help

  • e.kislov - 2018-09-27

    Hi. Are you talk about free/used RAM?

    There are different ways for different PLCs (or rather OS).
    For most Linux PLC I can use next code:

    IMG: 27

    IMG: 27

  • aliazzz

    aliazzz - 2018-09-28

    Dear e.kislov,

    Would you be so kind and post your code as a small/cute mini-project?

    Thank you very much in advance!

  • e.kislov - 2018-09-28

    Hi. Done. Link to download.

  • aliazzz

    aliazzz - 2018-09-28

    Many thanks!

  • hjohnson - 2024-06-05


    How can you access the <root> of the Linux system? I'm struggling with this as the code above results in an invalid handle, as it cannot access '/'.</root>

    I am using Control for Raspberry Pi for context.



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