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Using CAM

  • alonohev - 2015-05-27

    I'm constructing an online changing set of cams, and have a a few questions about that. In order to make an online change, I have constructed my own structure TYPE "SMC_CAMTable_LREAL_1000_2" with a 1000 points array. The online data is received in sections at a time, and I wish to stop at the end of each section and wait for the following section data.
    1. While the CAM operates, how do I know its current position? I want to know when the CAM is at the defined set points, at the end of the interpolated segment.
    2. Using the "MC_CAM_REF" FB, what should be the "nElements" input value? Can I use it as an end position marker?
    3. In order to set the cam timing, do I set the virtual master axis with a set of [x,x] values, and a constant 1[u/s] velocity?


  • Kim - 2016-02-29

    Bumping this thread as I have the exact same question in #1 and it still remains unanswered after several months.

    While the CAM operates, how do I know its current position?

    We have succeeded in obtaining this information by accessing the internal variable "xr" within the function block MC_CamIn, but we think there should be a more user-friendly way of doing this, such as an output pin or a dedicated function. Accessing internal variables seems a bit dangerous as their purpose could very well change between versions.

    Would be great if we could get an answer to this!

    Kim Hansen
    Beijer Electronics Automation AB


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