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Send_email Codesys V3.5

  • Dyno - 2020-12-26

    Hi all, I'm trying to configure the Send_Mail (FB) function, but I'm not having any results.
    Could someone please send me an example.
    Thanks in advance.

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2020-12-29

    First of all this depends on the mail server you are using. Does this need TLS? If yes, then your controller also should support this. Check with your device vendor if this is supported.

    If it is a Microsoft based mail server (smtp.office365.com), then it probably will not work, as this needs STARTTLS, but this is not supported by the mail library.

    If you are trying to connect to a Google mail server (gmail), then check the 2 factor authorization work-around. See https://kinsta.com/knowledgebase/free-smtp-server/ for a possible solution which also can work for CODESYS controllers.

    If the controller doesn't support TLS, or you need to use STARTTLS, then a mail relay server might be a solution: https://sourceforge.net/projects/emailrelay/.

  • jamil - 2024-01-31

    Hello Guys
    Where can I find the library of Send_Mail (FB)

  • jamil - 2024-01-31

    Hello Guys
    Where can I find the library of Send_Mail (FB)


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