mairhofer - 2021-07-14

I am using Codesys V3.5.17 without any licences just for testing purposes.

I noticed a problem regarding the Ethernet/IP scanner. My device is configured via EDS and uses 2 Exclusive Owner connections (one for inputs and one for outputs).

The Codesys Scanner does some extremely weird stuff like trying to open the first connection twice, then closing the second connection which isn't even open etc. until it finally manages to open connection 1 and then connection 2 from which point the data exchange is stable. (The example shown in the attached trace is harmless, I've seen this go on for much longer.)

I also used this device with several other Ethernet/IP scanners where it worked as expected. So this is definitely a problem with the codesys scanner.

I attached a trace of the startup procedure and the used EDS.
Please fix this bug.

Thank you