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How to Enable/Disable Devices ?

  • ByCNC

    ByCNC - 2023-03-21


    I want to be able to disable the Input/Output modules as needed, as seen in the attached picture. When I right click on the device I don't see the "Disable" option. I would expect such an option.

    There are many opisons in my project and I need to add or remove modules according to these options. Registering a new project for each option is tedious and confusing.

    That's why I want to keep everything in one project. At this point I need to be able to disable or enable the required device.

    How do I do this?



    Last edit: ByCNC 2023-03-21
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2023-03-21

    this does only work on non modular slave devices, your slaves is basically only one Ethercat slave (modular extension are non ethercat slices)


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