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PFC 200 memory gets full and hangs

  • benbammens - 2020-04-04

    I have a rather annoying problem...

    I have a PFC 200 that I program with codesys and the Pfaender HVAC library. I also control the lights with it.
    I have removed all trend recordings from the HVAC programming, but the memory of the PFC200 (the 256MB) slowly fills up over about 5 days. After the memory is full, everything just stops working and I have to do a reset by removing power. After this the cycle restarts from the beginning...

    I have attached a printscreen from the htop command in SSH


    Last edit: benbammens 2020-04-04
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-04-04

    which version are you using on PFC side?
    Could you try a reset original on rightclick on the device, then download your application?


  • benbammens - 2020-04-05

    Hi Edwin, thanks for the fast response.
    I might have found another solution... I have added an SD card and rebooted and now the memory use is stable... Maybe it wanted to write something to the sd card but couldn't so it was kept in the memory?
    I'm also monitoring the space on the SD card and there seems to be no noticeable decline in free space.

    If the situation would change I will come back :)


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