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How to create a header in a .csv datalogger

  • pumpenheinrich - 2022-11-07

    Hi everyone,

    I need some advice on how to implement a header in a .csv. I created a dataloger with the libary SysFile. Currently I am checking if my .csv file exist and if not its created. After this iteration new values are written to it with SysFile.AM_APPEND_PLUS. Now I dont now to check if the File is already written or not, to decide if a header should be createt.

    Thanks a lot for every tip or advise.

    Best Regards

  • ignat - 2022-11-18

    Hi, I have ein paar suggestions, maybe it would helpful.

    By header you mean some first string on the CSV file.

    As I see, you have already checking for "created / not created".
    So I guess you already splitted your code to 'Create File' and 'Append to old'.
    So I suggest just to extend the first part with 'Create File and Write header to it'.

    Maybe you have to arrange it with some CASE construction like:

    CASE iRecordProcedurePointer OF:
        // some init
        iRecordProcedurePointer := 1;
        // check existing or not
        IF NOT xExisting THEN
            iRecordProcedurePointer := 2; // go to create part
            iRecordProcedurePointer := 3; // go to append part
        // create file
        // create string for Header
        // write to file
        iRecordProcedurePointer := 0;
        // create string for Record
        // write to file
        iRecordProcedurePointer := 0;

    OR you can even add some case for writing (because you are always writing) and combine different stringToWrite and fill it with header or process data string


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