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DMX per EL6851 Master

  • Tyro - 2021-03-08

    i have a question. I would like to control the individual DMX Channels. The project is attached. I just cant control the Lighting system. It is a Disco light with 16 DMX Channels.
    Do i need the beckhoff library as suggested in previous forge blogs? cant i just set the value of Channel and it goes to light?
    Please help! i am stuck :(

  • Tyro - 2021-03-08

    Its working. Thx anyways


    Last edit: Tyro 2021-03-08
  • drugilue - 2021-03-15

    Hi....i suggest Ethercat - > 24 V PoE injector - > Esmacat(EASE) - > Arduino - > LED. It sounds to me like optocouplers and PoE have a comparable capacity in the arrangement as the PoE injector, yet they notice that the injector is on the grounds that EASE is fueled through 24 V Poe and Beckhoff gadgets may not be. I thought the explanation behind an optocoupler was to decrease the voltage from 24 V emerging from the KRC4 minimal to 5 V for the Arduino.


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