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Keep language after switch off

  • Javi - 2015-09-02

    Is there a way to retain the value of "VisuElems.CurrentLanguage" after switch off the PLC?
    I know how to do it in Codesys V2.3, but it doesn't work in V3.5:

    The implicit variables CurrentLanguage, CurrentUserLevel and CurrentPasswords[0..7] can be
    declared as remanent variables for the use in a Target-Visualization.
    For this purpose the variables must be declared explicitly as global variables. This declaration MUST
    be done in the topmost global variables list in folder 'Global Variables' in the Resources tab. If the
    declaration is placed in another global variable list, a compile error will occur.

    Is there a way to do the same in CODESYS V3.5?
    Thanks in advance,

  • Javi - 2015-09-03



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