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Modified Numpad from Visu.Dialogs

  • DavidBo - 2020-01-28

    I do not like the standard settings for Numpad. I want the Numpad to be bigger.
    So I have tried to create my own dialog by using Numpad from VisuDialogs seen on the attached file, but it does not compile.
    What is wrong? And where can I find an example of using VisuDialogs ?

    IMG: TestGui1.project

  • m.prestel - 2020-01-28

    you cannot reference a dialog in a frame.

    The numpad could be scaled using the client options (you can scale the dialogs to the visu).
    Or you could use the provided Visu_Dialogs.library and adjust the dialog for you (Rename the library in the project informations!).
    Then select the new numpad dialog in the visu mananger in the tab dialogs.

    The lib should be in the <installation>\Projects\Visu\Dialogs (apart from SP15).
    Best way for SP15 is to ask the support.</installation>

    Best regards,

  • DavidBo - 2020-01-29

    What the heck is "client" options?

  • m.prestel - 2020-01-29

    TargetVisu->Use scaling options for dialog
    Webvisu->Use scaling options for dialog


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