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The intent of two Library Managers in a Project

  • SimonRdr - 2015-12-10

    In CoDeSys V3.5 SP7 there is the possibility to create two Library Managers, one in the POU-tree and one in the device-tree.

    The two are not equal or both used together as one. So a project with only the one in the POU-tree created the other in the device-tree for the standard library. Another Project with both Managers complaint about missing things from a library which was added in the device-tree and missing in the POU-tree. A project with only the Library Manager in the device-tree complained about missing things from a library, which were already in there. Also adding these libraries with a Library Manager in the POU-tree solved this problem.

    When shall I use which one and why are there two?

  • singleton - 2015-12-10

    this is not since SP7. This is in V3 always the case. The reason is that from the POU tree you can not access objects in the device tree. Therefore you need an extra library manager for objects in the POU tree. This is especially necessary for library development.
    Furthermore all applications can access the library manager in the POU tree.

    If you're just developing an application it is sufficient to use the library manager inside your application.

  • SimonRdr - 2015-12-11


    We are "just developing an application" so we will from now on only use the library manager inside your application.

    But when we do the second library manager is automatically created in the device-tree with the IoStandard library (in gray text), though it is already available in the other library manager.

    Might this be created by a library itself?

  • Bereggergo - 2016-08-22

    Hi guys,

    I have a strange behaviour.
    I am using the CAA Real Time Clock Extern library in my project. I add this library in the POUs to the Library Manager and everything is fine, until I close the Codesys. Then, when I reopen, it gives me hundreds of errors. Then I delete the library and add again then it's fine until I'm not closing it again.

    In case I add this to the devices this is not happening.

    I'm just interested in how can it be possible at all?

    Thanks for the answers in advance,


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