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Playing with slave in CAM or Geared Axis

  • zeroptr - 2022-11-07

    Hi All,

    I have a packing machine project and I have to make a bobbin feed system with a mark sensor. If I make the system CAM or Gear in right conditions it works great for my master and slave axis.

    But when I'm trying to play with axis with MC_Phasing ( I do the recomendation on MC_Phasing help article I use a virtual axis for real CAM).

    AX1 -- 0-360 master exis
    AX2 -- Virtual Master Axis Geared to Axis 1 to 1
    AX3 -- Slave axis
    AX1 Phase Shift AX2

    First Problem when I phase AX1 to AX2 gear InSync signal lost but system still works in synch..
    Second problem and the real deal..
    When I shift the angle forward to 50 degrees with double speed of master axis, I expect that AX3 will move forward to 50 degrees, but it makes move reverse..

    I could not solve why this happens.

    Is there any experince to solve this problem or any advice with another way..

    I tried MC_MoveSuperImpose but it crashes the GEARS..


  • zeroptr - 2022-11-14

    SuperImpose worked after correcting the Acceleration and Deceleration..


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