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ControlAxisByPos block bStopIpo

  • ByCNC

    ByCNC - 2023-02-22

    In my CNC project, I move the axes with the "ControlAxisByPos" blocks at the output of the Interpolator block. But the "ControlAxisByPos" block falls into the "bStopIpo" state and starts doing the "AvoidGap" gestures. I couldn't get past this. How is it resolved?
    This happens when I Jump in G-code.

    Any ideas?

  • gseidel - 2023-02-23

    Hi ByCNC,

    if you have bAvoidGaps = TRUE, then this happens if the velocity of the fSetPosition is greater than the maximum velocity configured for the axis. See the axis configuration, tab "General", group "Dynamic Limits".


    Most likely, if you increase the velocity there, the problem disappears.

    Best regards,


  • ByCNC

    ByCNC - 2023-02-24

    Hi George,

    I've seen this solution on the codesys help pages. Currently, my speed, acceleration and deceleration limit values are high and I do not reach a value exceeding the limit. However, it falls into bStopIpo status.


  • gseidel - 2023-02-24

    I would recommend to trace the fSetPosition input of SMC_ControlAxisByPos. Most likely there is a jump in this position for some reason.

  • ByCNC

    ByCNC - 2023-02-27

    Hey George,

    I know the jump happened. This happens in some movements, I wanted to prevent it. Also, do you know about the G75? G75 looks like an important code I need at this point but I couldn't figure it out!

  • gseidel - 2023-03-06

    Hi ByCNC,

    G75 synchronizes the path processing (in German "Satzvorlauf") with the interpolator. It makes sure that the next G-Code line is processed only after the interpolation has reached the line with G75.

    All path processing buffers are emtpied before the next line is interpreted.

    Hope this helps,


  • ByCNC

    ByCNC - 2023-03-06

    Thanks Georg


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