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CoDeSys and connection to Beckhof AX5206-0000-0200

  • kmautomation - 2023-04-26


    I am at the stage of creating a new application that consists of 5 drives.I currently have 3 other manufacturer's power amplifiers configured. Everything works fine and I'm happy with the results. Before me is the stage of controlling the other two drives. I have a Beckhoff AX 5206-0000-0200 2Ch servo amplifier from the disassembly of another machine with a one servo motor.

    My question is:

    1. Is it possible to work in 1 Ch mode?
    2. Where can I get the XML file to add this particular model to my devices in CoDeSys?
      Does the configuration of the device have to be done using Twincat or does CoDeSys support the parameterization of this servo amplifier?

    Thank you for your answers and best regards.


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