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Tripod Robotic MoveDirectAbsolute

  • wilky93 - 2021-07-01

    Hello all.

    We have soon a rotary tripod and want to make the first steps with virtual drives.

    Now I have created an axis group "Tripod" under Application.
    The length of the arms etc are given with the unit [u]. Does this correspond to milimeters or how do I know this exactly? Do I need to adjust the scaling for this?
    We have a dimension from the tripod manufacturer with specifications in milimeters.

    The next question I have is about a zero offset of a position value. I have an absolute-encoder in the motor, which gives me a 32 bit position value. I now want to move the single axis in the horizontal position (tripod). For this purpose, I have a so called calibration-device. This position value at this specific horizontal position should be my new 0-degree tripod position value of axis 1. Is there an FB or setting for this? Thanks!


    Last edit: wilky93 2021-07-01
  • wilky93 - 2021-07-01

    On my last post, you see a picture of the tripod in the codesys help. the 2 joints are not on the same height. is the correct, or are there also settings for this?

    I know from my tripod, there is an offset as well.


    Last edit: wilky93 2021-07-01

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