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CNC - using M-codes

  • ph0010421 - 2021-11-24

    I have CNC files with M-codes. I don't want to stop the path when I see an M-code, but I need to recognise the M-code.
    If I use 'PreAcknowledge', the path doesn't stop, but I don't see wM from the interpolator.
    Any ideas please?

  • Fless

    Fless - 2021-11-25


    not sure if it's possible to see M-codes when you suppress them with PreAcknowledge.
    Check if SMC_PreAcknowledgeMFunction removes the M-codes in the SMC_OutQueue.

    I would use switch points (H-functions) when I don't want to stop.

  • ph0010421 - 2021-11-27

    Great answer. Thank you


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