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Ethercat scan for devices not picking up EL7041 as a softmotion axis

  • janderson - 2023-09-02

    I have a beckhoff EL7041-1000 rev 21 in my ethercat bus but it wont correctly create a softmotion axis unless i manually insert the device. scan for devices gives me an el7041-1000 without an SM3 axis.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2023-09-03

    Add existing version (with SM drive) - without scan - disable under expert settings in the slave the revision check.

  • janderson - 2023-09-18

    it appears that the different revisions have different PDOs. I am currently trying to use the rev25. I have tried to use the rev24 (the device repository entry not from 'scan for devices') and i keep getting
    'invalid output mapping' or 'invalid input mapping' in the ethercat log. I cant even get the bus to run from the device description that comes from 'scan for devices'...

  • janderson - 2023-09-18

    it appears that the different revisions have different PDOs. I am currently trying to use the rev25. I have tried to use the rev24 (the device repository entry not from 'scan for devices') and i keep getting
    'invalid output mapping' or 'invalid input mapping' in the ethercat log. I cant even get the bus to run from the device description that comes from 'scan for devices'...


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