ControlAxisByPos strange behavior

  • Linetic - 2016-11-21

    I have a CNC program with an virtual axis with the dynamic limits Vel= 1000, Acc and Dec=10000.
    When I call the function block ControlAxisByPos I notice that small position Changes are applied without the set fGapVelocity, fGapAcceleration and fGapAcceleration resuting in very rough behavior. As soon as the position step is big enough, > about 1 mm then the set acc and dec is applied. I have tried both with and without bAvoidGaps. Please see the atttached trace when I use very low fGapAcceleration and fGapAcceleration (2 mm/s2).
    Has anyone else noticed the same behavior and knows what to do about it?

    Hopful for help.
    Best regards

  • DHV - 2016-11-22


    Where is the atttached trace.

  • Kim - 2016-11-30

    This issue has been resolved (wrong settings in Dynamic limits).


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