Beckhoff EL7037 softmotion

  • Stefan - 2024-11-25


    Is the Beckhoff EL7037 supported by codesys with softmotion? Where can I find a device descriptor that includes the drive object for the EL7037?

  • Stefan - 2024-11-26

    The SM3_Drive_ETC_Beckhoff_EL70xx library has descriptors for the EL7031, EL7041 and EL7047 but not the EL7037? Is there another library that has the one I need?

  • gseidel - 2024-12-23

    Hi Stefan,

    we will update our driver to support the EL7037 in our next release of SoftMotion.

    In case you are interested to test a pre-release, please contact our support and mention this forum post.

    Best regards,



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