EtherCAT Can't reconnect to servo drive

  • yang123 - 2024-01-23

    I am using Ethercat Master and have use the automatic restart slaves feature.

    But we found of after the Ethercat communication normal and slave drive power-off and power-on the slave can't reconnect sucess.

    The PLC Log show the drive was al status "6#34 : Invalid DC Timeout Error" and its was reconnection sucess first but seconced later the drive will show the "16#2C : Fatal Sync error" and then drive will can't reconnection.

    Other slave are reconnect sucess which was link after the can't reconnect's drive

    the drive was OMRON R88D-1SN

  • yang123 - 2024-01-26

    Anyone else know how to solve this issue ?

  • kyo424 - 2024-01-26

    Hi, I meet the same issue, too.

    But no one can answer me,so sad.

    If you got solution, kindly tell me, thanks.


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