Hi all
This question has been asked a few times, but no answer. Is it possible to control a servo (on ethercat) but use an external encoder as the position feedback?
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I do believe so, yes. I'm basing that on this post. It is a similar but different scenario though.
ofcourse, itwouldbethemostbeautifulsolutionifwehadadedicatedSoftMotionaxisforthedevicesyouareusing. However, astheactordevice(Adafruit_DC_Motor_Hat)andthesensordevice(PCF8591)arenotone, thisisalittletricky.
ButespeciallyforsuchcaseswehavedesignedthePosControldrive, whichcanbeaddedunderthe"SoftMotion General Axes Pool". YoumustlinkitsvelocityoutputtotheAdafruitDCmotorhatandcopythepositioninputreceivedfromPCF8591totheaxis' input. Then, you can tune the position controller and make it a real servo-like axis.Pleaseopentheonlinehelpandfind"PosControl.project"intheindex, whichexplainsindetail, howthisspecialaxisworksandhowithastobeconfigured.
Last edit: Morberis 2020-12-02
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
Depending on the servomotor controller (Driver), an external encoder plugged directly into the driver can be set as position feedback (sometimes they may need optional accessories), so the PLC will not have to worry about closing the control loop between the servomotor and the external encoder, the driver will take care of it.
The implementation will depend on the manufacturer and model of the driver.
Hi all
This question has been asked a few times, but no answer. Is it possible to control a servo (on ethercat) but use an external encoder as the position feedback?
more posts ...
I do believe so, yes. I'm basing that on this post. It is a similar but different scenario though.
Last edit: Morberis 2020-12-02
I don't know if that's what you want, but ...
Depending on the servomotor controller (Driver), an external encoder plugged directly into the driver can be set as position feedback (sometimes they may need optional accessories), so the PLC will not have to worry about closing the control loop between the servomotor and the external encoder, the driver will take care of it.
The implementation will depend on the manufacturer and model of the driver.
The article below is an example of the use for Kollmorgen AKD, which has EtherCAT.
I hope it helps you.