Running and A-axis smoothly at constant velocity

  • rbragason - 2015-12-16

    I am currently working on an application that is running a xyz gantry and need to add an a-axis rotating around the x-axis. I have written g-code that moves the tool in xyz and rotates the a-axis (actually I am using the u-axis as it is linear while the actual a-axis is splined). I am having problems running the revolutions around the a-axis smoothly at a constant velocity. The only way I have found to control the rotation on the a-axis is to change the roational position with a certain interval and then the motor controlling the axis is always accelerating/decelerating causing vibrations. Anyone know of a better solution to control the a-axis rotation smoothly with constant velocity ?

    Best regards

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2016-01-22


    If the a-axis is a spindle, then it could alternativeley be controlled using an m-function.

    If not, that is if the exact profile of the a-axis is given in the G-code, then the spline axis A (G-Code word A) could be used. In this case, the slope of A between G-Code elements should be set using the U-word.



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