Edwin Schwellinger hat geschrieben:
and your Raspberry Pi Image is a realtime patched kernel,
not Rasbian Jessi...?
Additonal you use Ethercat 1:1 connected to your drive on an (exclusive for Ethercat used) Interface?
I don't think that the problem is in Raspberry Pi Image or in Ethercat connection, because the tutorial project with START application works fine.
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Hello Edwin,
I continue with my work with raspberry and Digitax. The example project SoftMotionStartupDrive, which use for control Visu application "START" works fine. I can see that when I set all inputs in MC_Power then Power.status is true and Power.busy is false. After this I can execute MC_Move blocks. It really works. In case, that I write my own program, the MC_Power.busy is permanently true. If I attempted to execute MC_move block then SMC_Axis_State_ErrorStop occured. Fb error: SMC_Error.SMC_FB_ACTIVE_AXIS_DISABLED, but when I check all MC_Power outputs, they are Ok. As I noticed, there is only one difference compare to example project, power.busy is permanently true.
Have you any idea what is wrong?
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SoftMotion does supervise/monitor the motion functionblock calls,
in case you do not call the fb you get an errorstop and a SMC_FB_WASNT_CALLED_DURING_MOTION
    //InthispointtheDriveisinError  -hereyoudonotcalltheinstaceanymore
    MoveRelative(Execute:=TRUE, Distance:=100, Velocity:=30, Acceleration:=30, Deceleration:=30, Axis:=Drive);
so better call the instance outside... and only set the Inputs of the FB
    //InthispointtheDriveisinError  -hereyoudonotcalltheinstaceanymore
Think you know what I want to say with that... also needed for MC_Power.
Check the "c:\Program Files (x86)\3S CODESYS\CODESYS\Projects\SoftMotion\Examples\Tutorial\" examples.
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I tested my Digitax drive, it works fine. Now I would like to add another device. It is a drive FlexiPro from MotorPower Company, Italy. Actually it is not their product, it is branded Servotronix CDHC. I tried to insert Servotronix device, but it doesn't work. I asked supplier for correct XML file. Now I have it. Is there any way how to implement it to my project?
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if the drive is DS402 comptible (should support at least cyclic sync mode_8)
Then you could install the ESI file and then rightclick add DS402 generic SoftMotin driver...
Then it might work.
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does not work means what exactly?
Drive does not startup?
You could try under expertsettings to disable the product and vendor checks.
Then it might work give this a try.
to use the genericDS402 approach:
1) Tools->DeviceRepository->Install.
2) add the drive -> add DS402 generic
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I used your recommendation, but the result is the same. It seems, that communication works and startup process finished in pre-operation state and Status is "configuration error". You can see the warning in log screenshot. Does it mean that ESI (.XML) file is different to actual drive configuration. Simply is it wrong?
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I did several tests today. All my attempts finished without success. Ethercat master and slave didn't work, as you can see above, the StartUp ended in pre-operational state. Finely I came back to my working project with Digitax, it still work fine. Then I simply disconnected ethercat cable from Digitax and connected it to FlexiPro and restarted. On my surprise the StartUp finished in operational state. Of course the axis error occurred. Do you have any idea how to proceed?
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AL Status Error Code 0x001E
Invalid Input Configuration
SM configuration for input process data is invalid
are you sure this ESI does fit to the device?
What about the CODESYS Ethercat scan does it find the right device which is installed in the device repository on scan?
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Hi, I did several attempts to launch my project, but without success. Exactly what I did: I created project containing only Ethercat master. Then I did SCAN for DEVICES. After scanning I copied the device to project. Both, Scanned device and configured device are green as you can see above. There is missing SoftMotion Axis on right side of compare window. Anyway, if I run program the Ethercat master finished in pre-operational state and Status read from slave is 16#1E. Have you any idea, what I can do now to find reason why doesn't it work?
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I don't think that the problem is in Raspberry Pi Image or in Ethercat connection, because the tutorial project with START application works fine.
but then it is project related could you attach it?
I am trying to send you my project, but it is too long, 830kB, to send it by this post. Have you any suggestion?
Hello Edwin,
I continue with my work with raspberry and Digitax. The example project SoftMotionStartupDrive, which use for control Visu application "START" works fine. I can see that when I set all inputs in MC_Power then Power.status is true and Power.busy is false. After this I can execute MC_Move blocks. It really works. In case, that I write my own program, the MC_Power.busy is permanently true. If I attempted to execute MC_move block then SMC_Axis_State_ErrorStop occured. Fb error: SMC_Error.SMC_FB_ACTIVE_AXIS_DISABLED, but when I check all MC_Power outputs, they are Ok. As I noticed, there is only one difference compare to example project, power.busy is permanently true.
Have you any idea what is wrong?
hm.. could you attach your project to check?
I tryed to send my project last week, but it failed. The reason was that the file is too big (817kB). Is it realy too big?
you could send it to e support@codesys.com e this will work.
Thank, I will do it tomorrow
I sent you my project to e support@codesys.com e . Please, confirm reception.
Hi Peter,
SoftMotion does supervise/monitor the motion functionblock calls,
in case you do not call the fb you get an errorstop and a SMC_FB_WASNT_CALLED_DURING_MOTION
so better call the instance outside... and only set the Inputs of the FB
Think you know what I want to say with that... also needed for MC_Power.
Check the "c:\Program Files (x86)\3S CODESYS\CODESYS\Projects\SoftMotion\Examples\Tutorial\" examples.
Thank you for excellent help. My project works. Now I am ready to do more complicated project.
Hi Edwin,
I tested my Digitax drive, it works fine. Now I would like to add another device. It is a drive FlexiPro from MotorPower Company, Italy. Actually it is not their product, it is branded Servotronix CDHC. I tried to insert Servotronix device, but it doesn't work. I asked supplier for correct XML file. Now I have it. Is there any way how to implement it to my project?
if the drive is DS402 comptible (should support at least cyclic sync mode_8)
Then you could install the ESI file and then rightclick add DS402 generic SoftMotin driver...
Then it might work.
Yes it is Compatible. Can you please navigate how to install ESI file and add a generic driver
does not work means what exactly?
Drive does not startup?
You could try under expertsettings to disable the product and vendor checks.
Then it might work give this a try.
to use the genericDS402 approach:
1) Tools->DeviceRepository->Install.
2) add the drive -> add DS402 generic
I used your recommendation, but the result is the same. It seems, that communication works and startup process finished in pre-operation state and Status is "configuration error". You can see the warning in log screenshot. Does it mean that ESI (.XML) file is different to actual drive configuration. Simply is it wrong?
I did several tests today. All my attempts finished without success. Ethercat master and slave didn't work, as you can see above, the StartUp ended in pre-operational state. Finely I came back to my working project with Digitax, it still work fine. Then I simply disconnected ethercat cable from Digitax and connected it to FlexiPro and restarted. On my surprise the StartUp finished in operational state. Of course the axis error occurred. Do you have any idea how to proceed?
Hi Peter,
AL Status Error Code 0x001E
Invalid Input Configuration
SM configuration for input process data is invalid
are you sure this ESI does fit to the device?
What about the CODESYS Ethercat scan does it find the right device which is installed in the device repository on scan?
Please see device scan. Can you see something important?
Now it looks like this. What I have to do now?
should fit...
Yes It does, but if I add a GenericDSP402, there is still difference and the same error occured.
Hi, I did several attempts to launch my project, but without success. Exactly what I did: I created project containing only Ethercat master. Then I did SCAN for DEVICES. After scanning I copied the device to project. Both, Scanned device and configured device are green as you can see above. There is missing SoftMotion Axis on right side of compare window. Anyway, if I run program the Ethercat master finished in pre-operational state and Status read from slave is 16#1E. Have you any idea, what I can do now to find reason why doesn't it work?
Hi Peter,
could you do a test with disabled distributed clocks?
Could this get then to operational?
Do you mean to select DC to free run? If yes, I did it. Without success.