Hello! Readings from my sensors are very slow. 12-16s per reading.
I have three DS18B20-sensors wired to GPIO 4.
I used the example program which came with Codesys - then built my program in there.
I've read something about putting the onewire-stuff in another POU/task but I don't get it.
What goes inside the onewire-task? This code?
IFNOTxTHEN  x:=TRUE;  //scanfunction  FORui:=1TOMIN(Onewire_master.uiScannedDevices,20)DO    astrID[ui]:=Onewire_master.pasScannedDevices^[ui-1].StringRepresentation;  END_FOREND_IF
I'm ok with 750ms delay per sensor but 12-16s is too much. I am using the temperaturs to control some relays. With only one sensor configured it works fine.
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for temprature reading this should never be a problem... what application do you have which need faster temp?
We just read then onewire via kernel modul which is providey by RaspberryPI.org
so each reading is like for example:
cat /sys/bus/w1/devices/10-000802cfb15d/w1_slave
If you so this manually via console with your sensors guess you will see these delays too.
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Hello! Readings from my sensors are very slow. 12-16s per reading.
I have three DS18B20-sensors wired to GPIO 4.
I used the example program which came with Codesys - then built my program in there.
I've read something about putting the onewire-stuff in another POU/task but I don't get it.
What goes inside the onewire-task? This code?
I'm ok with 750ms delay per sensor but 12-16s is too much. I am using the temperaturs to control some relays. With only one sensor configured it works fine.
Anyone, please?
for temprature reading this should never be a problem... what application do you have which need faster temp?
We just read then onewire via kernel modul which is providey by RaspberryPI.org
so each reading is like for example:
cat /sys/bus/w1/devices/10-000802cfb15d/w1_slave
If you so this manually via console with your sensors guess you will see these delays too.