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Bluescreen When RTE PLC Start

  • angelyuchu - 2022-06-28

    I have installed the CoDeSys RTE and when I start the PLC I get a blue screen from Windows. Then I tried uninstall it and install the most recent version It still gives the same result with blue screen. I have an Intel CPU with 4 cores. I have been following the Installation and Getting Started.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-06-29
    1. switch hyperthreading off in the BIOS + check how many real cores your CPU has - (google it).

      1. check if the drivers are loaded: Command line with admin rights and then:
        "net start 3srte3".Expected answer: Successfully loaded. If signature error comes: Secure Boot active. No way, must be deactivated in BIOS. 3.

    Check if at least 1 core is reserved for RTE with numproc:
    Same command line : "bcdedit".
    Check in "current" if the setup has set numproc. If not, (e.g. it is a real 4 core) with
    bcdedit /set numproc 3
    reserve a core for the RTE.

    1. check if CmpDrvSchedulerAMP starts correctly. with (also same command line) "net start CmpDrvSchedulerAMP".
      This takes about 20 seconds the first time on first start, because of the measurements.

    Last edit: eschwellinger 2022-06-29
    • angelyuchu - 2022-07-01

      I've tried everything besides hyperthreading disabled. It seems for my BIOs setting, it is greyed out and I could not change the settings for hyperthreading. Other than hyperthreading, are there other things might cause the problem I encountered?

  • wajdiyounis - 2022-10-02

    I've the same exact problem. All was working good and suddenly the PLC is not loading any more and windows crashes at shutdown. reinstalling solved the issue, but I would like to know the cause.

  • mondinmr

    mondinmr - 2022-10-20

    I found this problem in many RTE devices.
    RTE work in kernel space, so some division by 0, some index out of bound in arrays and things like that in IEC tasks, bring sometime in this situations.

    To find that exceptions I use a runtime Linux SL (Working great in user space) in a kernel RT installed on my PC or in a RPi 4.
    I connect my PC or RPi to fieldBUS, download the application and test.

    When error bring me to stack exception, I fix it than I download everything in RTE and I reconnect fieldBUS to RTE.

    Just yesterday I do that another time.


    Last edit: mondinmr 2022-10-20

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