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CANopen manager periodically resets slaves

  • jenslindruo - 2022-02-03

    I have a Codesys compatible PLC with several CANopen sensors. Three of them periodically goes in heartbeat timeout, but I found from logging the canbus, that it is caused by the CANopen master sending NMT reset (0000 2 81 xx) messages to one of the sensors peridically. The CANopen library contains implicit functions blocks that are called by the configuration, so I have difficulty determining why it happens. I have added the CAN_DEBUG in compile define, but that did not yield any valuable information regarding this issue. Can anyone provide more debugging information? Thank you

  • sgronchi - 2022-02-03

    "CANopen Manager -> General -> NMT error behavior" is perhaps set to "Stop Slave"?
    Shame that there isn't a "Do nothing" option...

    • jenslindruo - 2022-02-03

      Thank you for your reply. That is actually set to reset slave.


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