"Add Device" screen and EtherNet/IP

  • kelad - 2016-03-09

    I'm wanting to create communications between two raspberry pi using EtherNet/IP protocol (one adaptor, one scanner). This should be possible ?
    However when i try to add device, its really difficult to see the devices which i can select. See attached picture. The scroll window is very small. Any tips for a novice.

    p.s i'm running V3.5 SP8 Patch1+

    IMG: Capture.PNG

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2016-03-09


    yes but could arange this as you need it.

    IMG: Move.jpg

  • kelad - 2016-03-09

    thanks Edwin. Thats a bit embarrassing !

  • kelad - 2016-03-11

    Hi All,
    I've got two RPi's running.
    In 1st picture below is Pi1 (which is the scanner). I've set the ip address of the scanner in "Ethernet (Ethernet)". Under "Generic_EtherNet_IP_device" I have setup the ip of the adaptor (which is Pi2). You see the error I am getting.


    In the 3rd picture is the connection settings. I followed example on YouTube of RPi to wago setup. 1 byte in and 1 byte out.

    In 4th picture is the setup on the Pi2 (adaptor). I was not 100% sure on its configuration. I added an adaptor and two EtherNet_IP_Module's (no scanner here). One configured as Byte Input Module and the other as Byte Output module to match the scanner setup on pi1.

    Thanks for any tips !

    IMG: Capture.PNG

    IMG: Capture3.PNG

    IMG: Capture1.PNG

    IMG: Capture2.PNG

  • kelad - 2016-03-12

    I got it to work eventually. I opened the CODESYS_EtherNetIP_Adapter.eds in text editor and copied the connection path out of it


    Here is the connection path settings

    note: in youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrV7laAJkDk, there is a checkbox "predefined connection (EDS file)" in the connection path settings. I do not have this.

    Is there an easier way than opening eds file in txt editor ?

    IMG: Capture5PNG.PNG

    IMG: Capture4.PNG


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