What is the solution for "Application stopped on recovery switch request"?

  • mucleus - 2024-07-05

    Hi, everyone.

    I am using CODESYS RTE and Profinet I/O or EtherCAT I/O.
    Occasionally (once every 1-2 months) the attached image occurs and the program stops.

    I want to know why this phenomenon occurs and how to solve it.

    I attached log.

    Please help me.


  • installwhat - 2024-07-08

    <Entry severity="information" component="<10>" user="nobody" timestamp="2024-07-04 ?? 5:10:47" infoId="1">Axis#=121 , Error=30014 , Emergency 2
    <Entry severity="information" component="<10>" user="nobody" timestamp="2024-07-04 ?? 5:10:23" infoId="1">TCP Server : WaitClient
    <Entry severity="information" component="<10>" user="nobody" timestamp="2024-07-04 ?? 5:10:23" infoId="1">TCP Server : Init

    What is "component="<10>"?
    Is this system a vanilla CODESYS RTE or is it a modified installation.
    I think more details are required.

  • mucleus - 2024-07-09

    Component ID 10 is my own log message by LogAdd Function.

    I want to know in what cases the application stops.

  • installwhat - 2024-07-09

    Well still similar questions remain. I don't know of "CmpRecoverySwitch" and the only thing google has to offer is your xml file.
    I think you'd need to provide a lot more info before anyone makes much effort here.


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