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cmDongle Raspberry Pi issue

  • fontrap - 2024-04-22

    Hello mates,

    I'm working with CODESYS V3.5 SP20 on a Raspberry Pi and I use "Raspberry Pi MC SL" as device on the project.
    I've installed the Control Standard L (multicore) license
    on a Wibu System usb-Dongle (cmStick/4.50) that already had another license from another vendor.
    I follow the online activation procedure from CODESYS documentation.
    Raspberry Pi has already CodeMeter installed for the other license.
    When I plugin the dongle on Raspberry and start the Runtime from Raspberry Pi Update in CODESYS
    I receive the message that I'm on Demo mode because the license is missing.
    I double checked that the license is activated in the dongle, through the WebAdmin of CodeMeter and the second license
    runs properly without any issue.
    I have already try to change the dongle from HID to MSD device and backward but the the Runtime cannot recognize the Dongle.
    I have also try to stop and start the Runtime through CODESYS without success.

    Is there anything else I can do to fix this issue?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-04-22

    which Pi runtime is it?

    • fontrap - 2024-04-22


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-04-22

    should work for sure as HID device.

    • fontrap - 2024-04-24

      Good morning @eschwellinger,

      After some research I found out that the problem is the preinstalled CodeMeter on Raspberry Pi. As I mentioned the CodeMeter was installed on the Raspberry because I use a license from other vendor that needs the CodeMeter to be installed.
      The problem is that when I uninstall the CodeMeter from Raspberry I am able to detect the dongle from CODESYS and everything works as it should be but now the other product can not detect its own license. When I reinstall the CodeMeter I am back to the initial problem.

      Is there a way to overcome this conflict through CODESYS?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-04-24

    use Arm64 SL or Arm SL instead of the PI package - this will work


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