EtherNet/IP exclicit messaging

  • Beckx-net - 2016-08-26

    Hello together,

    I am trying to communicate with an EtherNet/IP device via explicit messaging. I found the EtherNet/IP Services library which makes it's possible. It works perfectly for the standard services Set/Get Attribute Single/All. The problem is, that my EIP device implements a vendor specific profile with service code 0x32. Is there a possibility to access class/Attribute/Instance with this service specific code?

    Best Regards

  • plcmax - 2016-09-03

    Hallo Andreas,

    schon mal das Beispiel angeschaut? ... schreibung
    vielleicht hilft das ja schon mal weiter,
    habe selber zu wenig EIP Erfahrung.
    Viele Grüße

  • Beckx-net - 2016-09-05

    Hallo plcmax,

    das Beispiel enthält leider nur den Zugriff mit "Set_Attribute_Single" / "Get_Attribute_Single". Bei EtherNet/IP ist allerdings auch möglich einen eigenen Service zu implementieren (Herstellerspezifisch). Hierfür habe ich leider bisher noch keine Funktionsbausteine gefunden.

  • vitovt1877 - 2016-09-27

    You should use any of these functions. See attached picture. It depends if you need to supply additional parameters or just service to instance. You can play with this and choose what works for you. It sends unconnected message to remote adapter. I don't know what to do if you want to send connected message. All devices send respond back to the message and I couldn't find function that would send/receive message. If you need to read respond you can use next trick if you want. I used GetAttributeService/GetDataService in front of SetAttributeService/GetAttributeService and it would catch respond from device on the second message to device. First time it would give me "not enough parameters" respond and on the second time it was giving me correct respond. I don't if it is good way to do, but I didn't have any help and it worked for me.

    CodeSys has tons of functions to work with Ethernet/IP, CIP but with little explanation how to use them.

    I asked same question long time ago and didn't get answer...

    IMG: Message.PNG


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