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Modbus TCP problems

  • Joster - 2016-03-01

    I'm using two arduinos as Modbus TCP slaves to my codesys/raspberry (using this tutorial as base http://www.fleaplc.it/en/tutorials/33-a ... io-codesys). Normally everything works fine but sometimes (can bee months between) the modbus communication is going down. As far as I can see (I'm no expert to codesys) it is the slaves that stops working. If I disconnect and then reconnect the power supply to the arduinos the communication starts working again. is there anybody that have experienced the same problem and found a solution?


  • fixstuff555 - 2016-03-01

    There is a setting that by default is turned off. It's called auto-reconnect - its in the setup page near the IP address I believe. I've had issues before where turning this on fixed things. This is only assuming the Arduino end is not messed up..

    I attached a screenshot of it..

    IMG: autoreconnect.jpg

  • Joster - 2016-03-03

    Have to check that setting...
    Thank You!

  • Joster - 2016-06-22

    This setting is enabled. Any more suggestions....


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