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Codesys + Raspberry PI 3 + Arduino

  • pratesm - 2019-12-04

    I am searching for a while for an documentation to setup my arduino + raspberry pi 3b for codesys.

    I would like to connect 2 arduino boards (per USB-Cable) to the raspberry pi and have access to the IOs in a Codesys-Project.

    Have anyone a idea, where I find a tutorial, which explains step by step?


  • lbabycl-88 - 2019-12-27

    pratesm hat geschrieben:
    I am searching for a while for an documentation to setup my arduino + raspberry pi 3b for codesys.
    I would like to connect 2 arduino boards (per USB-Cable) to the raspberry pi and have access to the IOs in a Codesys-Project.
    Have anyone a idea, where I find a tutorial, which explains step by step?
    For this I use modbus whether over ethernet or serial my current setup is ethernet

    Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk

  • BlackDog17 - 2020-02-02

    Hi you could send me an example code for arduino modbus slave? I have Arduino NANO.


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