CODESYS control on RPi starts, shortly runs, then exits

7 days ago
6 days ago
  • fajean - 7 days ago

    I have a Raspberry Pi 4 we have been using for years to run CODESYS for development purposes.

    I recently have had to re-install the OS (Raspberry OS lite). The only change to the default configuration is not creating the "pi" user during install. I (apparently successfully) installed the control on the Raspberry Pi. We have licences on a dongle.

    I am able to start the control. systemctl status shows it as running for a little while (exactly, precisely 30 seconds as per my tests, every time), then it becomes exited. I can restart the control, and the same thing happens again. Every time.

    In the brief moments it is running, I can log in to the PLC. Working fast and restarting the control many times, I have been able to configure users. I have been able to download my application. I have been able to run the application, and stop on a breakpoint. I have been able to connect with the licence manager and confirm the dongle is detected and licences are listed as OK. I see nothing wrong until the service just exits.

    I have found nothing in the logs. It is like the runtime just terminates with no error code or message after exactly 30 seconds.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 7 days ago

    if you use Bookworm uodate to version please.

  • fajean - 7 days ago

    4.11 appears to solve the problem. Thanks for your help.

    I had first installed the 64-bit version of RPiOS, but looking at various posts and the product's page on the store which only lists 32-bit compatibility, I downgraded to the 32-bit version. I did this before trying 4.11, and it did not solve the problem. Thus my working system is 32-bit, and I am wondering if I can go back to 64-bit or not.

    An 64-bit OS is not listed as compatible on the store's web page, but when installing there actually is a 64-bit version listed (automatically chosen when installing on 64-bit, but otherwise greyed out). Is 64-bit supported and the website is out-of-date, or is that some kind of work-in-progress?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 6 days ago

    it is supported for sure, send me the link the outdated webpage please.


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