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Redundancy log shows opposite state text

  • Ulvis

    Ulvis - 2021-10-21

    IMHO, the Redundancy Configuration / Log shows an entry of "Switchover: Changed state to Active" when I switch to Standby, and vice versa.
    Why is this?
    (I am pretty sure that I do not have my controllers mixed up.....)

  • Ulvis

    Ulvis - 2021-10-22

    Well, actually, the 'Log' information of the "Redundancy Configuration" editor is for PLC2!!
    This is indeed explained in the HELP. (CODESYS Development System > Reference, User Interface > Objects > Object 'Redundancy Configuration' > Tab 'Log')
    But WTF , Codesys??? Why not simply put this information in the dialogue itself?


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