Control Omron G5 servo drive in Torque mode

  • Akv - 2018-03-13


    I am trying to control Omron G5 (R88D-KN01-ECT) in Torque mode.
    I use Codesys V3.5.12 and Codesys RTE Softmotion in Windows 10.
    To control in Torque mode, as Omron G5 manual, I must change PDO mapping as: use #1704 for output,
    use #1B02 for input.
    Then I also add to Startup Parameter: 60E0( positive torque limit value) , 60E1(negative torque limit value), 607F (Max profile velocity), 6060 (Op Mode).
    After setting, I use SMC_SetTorque to control torque, but the actual torque is not change (keep 0).
    I don't know why I can not control Torque.
    Can anyone help me to solve this problem.
    I also attached my project and source.


    Nguyen akv

    IMG: 4.png

    IMG: 3.png

    IMG: 2.png

    IMG: 1.png

    K1.project [96.29 KiB]

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2018-03-13

    remove the MainTask...


    IMG: call_prg_prgtwice.jpg

  • Akv - 2018-03-14

    Hi Edwin,

    I tried to remove Main_Task as you guide.
    But I can not to control torque.
    Can you give me any suggestion and ideal to control in Torque Mode with Omron G5?
    I see that ESI file(.xml) of Omron G5 is newer than ESI file (.xml) of Codesys make for Omron G5.
    As I understand, Codesys use "ESI_Omron_R88D-KNxxx-ECT_Ver2_0_rev09.xml.
    But Omron servo Drive will use "Omron R88D-KNxxx-ECT.xml".
    What do you think about the difference of that?
    Because I can control normally in Position Mode, but when change PDO mapping to Torque mode
    I can not control torque.

    Nguyen AKV


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