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Codesys OPC DA server requires more then 2 GB of ram

  • alexgooi

    alexgooi - 2024-01-25

    Dear Forum,

    We are currently running into a problem that the CODESYS OPC DA server is running out of RAM (larger than 2 GB).

    We have a setup of 10 Codesys controllers which features around 300.000 discoverable tags per controller.
    We are only interested in 10 percent of the tags to be communicated to the OPC-server, this is due to the fact the program consists of arrays of objects which on their part implements arrays of objects, simply reducing the number of discoverable tags is not an option

    The OPC-DA server loads all the discoverable tags, is it possible to:

    1 let the OPC-DA server only load the tags that are requested by the SCADA/MES system.
    2 let the OPC-DA server claim more memory.
    3 run 2 OPC-DA servers in parallel?

    Thank you in advance

  • alexgooi

    alexgooi - 2024-01-25

    Last edit: alexgooi 2024-01-25

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