ERROR no connection With RPI

  • elsabz - 2017-02-08


    i install new image RASPBIAN 2017-01-11
    i open Codesys (v3.5 sp8 patch 3) and i go under menù tools>UpdateRaspberryPI
    i searc (scan) the RPI and i get good ip adress, i put username and password (default pi, raspberry), then OK.
    Unfortunately i become errors:
    ERROR connect , impossible estabilish connection, persistent refusal of the target computer IP adress:22
    Could not connect to RPI: IP adress.

    Anyone can help me solve the problem?

  • elsabz - 2017-02-08

    I solved the problem
    1) Menù Start>Preferences>RPI Configuration
    2) Select Tab Interfaces
    3) Enable SSH
    Now Work Fine

    I hope it will be useful for other

  • EdenFire - 2018-02-14

    I have the same problem, but I don’t find “Menu start>Preferences>RPI Configuration”.
    I searched in codesys and windows.

    Thx for the Help

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2018-02-14


    did you use these steps to install the package and CODESYS?

    If yes you could even add the 'update command' to the menubar. (Tools->Customize-add Command)

    IMG: AddCommandPiUpdate.jpg

  • EdenFire - 2018-02-16

    I made some progress. I changed the network settings and enabled SSH.
    I can ping the raspberry and install the runtime on it, but Codesys does not find the device.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2018-02-17


    You have always 3 posibilities to connect to the PI:

    1. Use the Gateway running on your CODESYS pc and scan the pi (usually this is the most used, this is what you have probably tried - and obviously fails)
    2. you could add a new Gateway in CODESSYS with the IP address of the Raspberry PI (there is a Gateway embedded in the PI plc)
      use/switch to this Gateway to scan the PI. (This is what I suggest to do in your case to solve your problem)
    3. Add the ipaddress of the Pi on the right side (comunication Window in CODESYS) and connect that way to your PI


    IMG: AddGateway.jpg

    IMG: AddIPofPItoGateway.jpg

  • Reinier Geers - 2024-01-11

    Same problem, CHange SSH. Bit now the Install Button is deactivated ? Why ?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-01-11

    package directory does not match...


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