captaincookie - 2023-03-09


I'm using Codesys V3.5 SP18 Patch 4 and created a simple project with one program including only a watchdog variable to toggle. This program is running in a cyclic time of 500 ms. Furthermore, this watchdog variable is added as opc ua variable in the symbol configuration. The used runtime is Control RTE V3 x64 and it is running directly on an industrial PC with Windows environment (64-Bit, Windows 10 Pro, version 22H2). With UA Expert a connection to the PLC Opc Ua server is established. UA Expert is also running on the same PC.
The problem is that the variable value is not sent regulary. The time difference between the sent values should be the cyclic time of 500 ms, but it raises up to 4 sec. In most cases is stays between 500 ms and 1 sec, but it is not stable. Multiple times per minute is raises up to 2 sec, and during 3 hours it also apears, that the time differences reaches more than 4 sec.
Has anyone an idea how this could be fixed and what might be the reason for?

Thanks in advance.
Best regards.