I have been trying to do CODESYS data encyrption through OPC UA. Regarding that I can connect my Ua Expert or OPC Expert with my CODESYS program through OPC UA server. But the issue I got that OPC server can't browse my CODESYS program application. Did I miss anything? I have tried in so many ways but nothing worked out so far. Attached Ua Expert browsing failure image
Yeah I enabled OPC-UA feature there. I followed the following link:https://help.codesys.com/webapp/_cds_runtime_opc_ua_server;product=codesys;version=
I tried in many ways but it didn't work. Atatched my program Symbol Configuration image
I have been trying to do CODESYS data encyrption through OPC UA. Regarding that I can connect my Ua Expert or OPC Expert with my CODESYS program through OPC UA server. But the issue I got that OPC server can't browse my CODESYS program application. Did I miss anything? I have tried in so many ways but nothing worked out so far. Attached Ua Expert browsing failure image
Last edit: shakir 2020-11-09
Could you show your "Symbol configuration" in Codesys? Did you enable the OPC-UA features and also selected the variables with correct permissions?
Yeah I enabled OPC-UA feature there. I followed the following link:https://help.codesys.com/webapp/_cds_runtime_opc_ua_server;product=codesys;version=
I tried in many ways but it didn't work. Atatched my program Symbol Configuration image
Solved the issue. To fix this issue following steps should be taken:
UAExpert: add the PLC name to hosts file. connect to PLC hostname rather than local Control Win.
OPCExpert: add the PLC name to hosts file. Add the PLC to the "Network", rather than adding it to "This PC"