CODESYS on Raspberry Pi now available!

  • kmpm

    kmpm - 2013-12-20


    I'm reading the license agreement and is a bit confused about if a dongle with key is required or not to run the 2 hour demo?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2013-12-20


    for the 2h demo nothing is required just copy the image to the SD Card and l/ boot the raspberrry pi -> login with CODESYS,
    after 2h the plc quits you need to restart it or reboot it.


    JAPIB - 2013-12-20

    What a great Christmas gift to us 3S!
    Thank you Santa Clauss

  • AndreyS - 2013-12-23

    Great news! Thank you, Santa!)


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