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CAA File

  • suyash - 2023-06-05

    Hello folks!

    I am using CODESYS V3.5 SP18 Patch 2 for Development. I have recently encountered a strange issue which I didn't face in the past. I am using CAA File library for file handling and when I use Open, Read, Write Close(File) FBs, I don't get the xExecute, xBusy, xError variables that are a part of the FB. In fact I see them in the documentation of the Input assistant.

    Just to ascertain, I typed the OPEN FB's instance with a dot to see the list of it's internal variables and the above mentioned variables were not seen.

    I have attached screenshots for the same.

    Seeking your help! Thanking you in anticipation!

    Suyash Thatte


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