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Error reading files after runtime update from to

  • hence.persson - 2023-05-10

    Working code: ~~~
    OpenFile := SysFileOpen(szFile:=BMS_GVLconstants.SystemFilePath, am:=.Sysfile.AM_READ, pResult:=ADR(udiOpenError));
    Doesnt work anymore the OpenFile has the value 16#FFFFFFFF and pResult = 39

    In desperation I also tried the CAA_FILE lib to read the file and that returns the error FILE_OPERATION_DENIED.

    As everything worked before, the files are present and the permissions are the same I blame codesys..
    I even tried to change the file permissions to 777 and change the user and group to no avail.
    Hopefully someone can point me in the correct direction.

    Earlier I used Codesys for enginnering and as runtime
    Now I use Codesys for engineering and as runtime and all devices and librarys updated to latest versions.

  • hence.persson - 2023-05-10

    Checked the log and nothing there regarding reading my file but the following messages were availible.. Something about sysfile... Maybe helps...?

  • hence.persson - 2023-05-11

    After much digging I found the following (Attachement)
    So can i change it in the user.cfg file ? And what should the section in that case in the cfg file be named?

  • ajadhav

    ajadhav - 2023-05-15

    I also had noticed the same problem.Infact the file access with SysFileOpen was working till CODESYS Control for Raspberry Pi MC SL V

    Manual editing of user.cfg file wouldnt be a desirable method especially for Codesys IO libary packages which need some specific file access in some working directory in linux.


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