Save Recipe on Paspberry

  • andrax

    andrax - 2023-12-28


    I am trying to save my settings as a recipe on the Raspberry.
    As target path I use
    Save: SaveRecipeAS, 'Recipes', 'Recipe'
    Load: ReadRecipe, 'Recipes', 'Recipe'

    However, no recipe is created.
    What could be the reason?

  • andrax

    andrax - 2023-12-29

    I have now renamed my recipe to Parameter and now use SaveRecipeAs.
    The correct folder is displayed in the dialogue box, but the recipe is not saved.
    What could be the reason for this, write permissions? Recipe manager buggy?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2023-12-29

    permissions, since a security related change it is not allowed to save files outside of the Plclogic directory.
    Use /var/opt/codesys/Plclogic/

  • andrax

    andrax - 2023-12-30

    Unfortunately not.
    The folder does not work.
    There are neither error messages nor any other indication that this may be due to missing rights. I have searched the entire forum and also tested the Codesys example.
    The simple recipe management generally does not work!
    The Raspi crashes with the extended recipe management from the example.
    I have now found another sample that works.
    Many thanks to mcodem.
    After some trial and error I have found out:
    xcreate must be called at least once at runtime.
    After that xload_write and xread_save work
    All other functions do not work.
    It is also possible to save to the /home/Documents folder.
    So it is not due to the rights.
    It would be nice if Codesys would check where the problem really lies.


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