sean-barton - 2021-10-20

I am having trouble connecting to a safety PLC as a data source node.

For a data source manager, I have started a new project with just a Control Win V3 x64 PLC and only the Data Sources Manager added to the Application. A safety PLC with working code (on the standard PLC side of the PLC) is also running on the same network.

The data source added to the manager is configured with the safety PLC and the standard PLC application is selected. The login information is also added.

A global variable list is selected from the list of available variables on the data source node.

The data source manager appears to be configured properly - there are no errors - but when I go online with the data source manager PLC, the 'General and Diagnosis' tab under the data source node at first shows:

Connection state: Connecting
Error information: OK

Then after a few seconds:

Connection state: Waiting for reconnect
Error information: The device is not reachable Error ID: 8452

The connecting/waiting-for-reconnect pattern repeats every 25 seconds